It's funny how if this happens to be your body type or metabolism or whatever it is that differentiates people like me from people who could eat pizza and pasta 7 days a week and stay skinny, you fall into the trap of trying to trick your body. You start coming up with magic ways to eat shitty food and somehow not gain weight or poison your insides. But no matter the crafty method we come up with, whether it's fat-free or sugar-free or going to be the one time you eat the bad food, it never works. The magic is not magic. And moving past this need to make our bodies something that they aren't in relation to food is one of the most important steps in taking control of your health, taking it back from your cravings and excuses and the difficulty of eating what you should eat, instead of what you want to eat. At least it was an important step for me.
And once I took it, a funny thing happened...
I found a new kind of magic. The kind of magic that works. See, if you eat legitimately healthy foods in portions that are appropriate for your body & exercise program, you become legitimately healthier. Is it easy? Nope. Kind of sucks, especially at first. But once your body stops craving bread and cheese ( never fully stops, but it kinda lets you off the hook a bit...), it starts to crave the good stuff. The stuff that magic is made of. Food magic. I've taken this metaphor way too far... You'll also notice that I used the word "legitimately" here. Because when it comes to "healthy" or "clean" eating, the average person is stupid. Yep, straight up dummy. Trust me, I know firsthand about fake-healthy eating. I used to do it all the time. Like multi-grain toast with your scrambled eggs, bacon, and hash browns. What a responsible decision! Give yourself a pat on the back! As if. How about no toast. And bacon OR eggs, unless you're actually in need of that much protein, which the average person is not. And ditch the potatoes. Get some fruit in there, or some green vegetables. (Yeah, I said it - green veg for breakfast. Deal with it.) Or maybe have some oatmeal with your eggs. Oatmeal?! Amazing!!! Brown sugar & cream. I think not... Just the oatmeal. On its own. Yeahhhhh, now we're really talking magic!!! And all you elitist paleo morons who are going to harp on me about oatmeal, go read something else, there are plenty of paleo blogs that are perfectly designed to reinforce why you're right. According to you.
Bad food vs. better food. Apparently it's all about the jaw line...that's what someone smart told me...
I guess what I'm getting at is how cutting the bullshit story about how it wasn't fair that I couldn't eat what I wanted was a good move. Because it's the truth, I can't eat what I want at times when it comes to maintaining and improving upon a healthy body. That's also a difference, focusing on a healthy body instead of a skinny body. Get healthy, and I feel pretty confident that you'll also get the body you never knew you wanted. But back to the unfair. Lots of things are unfair. No one cares. Get over it. And then work with what you have. Quit trying to fool the system. All I know is the only results I got from that were bigger clothes and lower self esteem. Once you accept what your body will do when you feed it what it truly wants, you can make it work for you in a way that is amazing and empowering.
Eat healthy food. Eat real food. And you'll end up real healthy. The End. Slash The Beginning...
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